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微軟小冰 16 歲出道,18 歲成為詩人,下一個目標是財經新聞評論員 - INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察

Created at 10:22 May 31, 2017

「從圖像和文字這兩個跨語義空間裡面去做深度學習的模型。我們也會用到在不同語義空間裡面的循環神經網絡,多模型的迭代。」 這個想法可以參考~

7 years ago by fukuball


Created at 15:19 May 29, 2017

目前停留在problem3 有建議練習的時間嗎?(規定自己要在某個時間長度完成) 總覺得每次練完一題都頗久(加上理解code的時間Q) 

7 years ago by Youngmi

[1705.07962] pix2code: Generating Code from a ... - at

Created at 03:01 May 29, 2017

直接從 Screenshot 產生 UI,不知產生出來的程式碼品質如何?

7 years ago by fukuball

Deformable Convolutional Networks

Created at 21:51 May 28, 2017

一般在 Convolutional Neural Network 中總是用預設的正方形 filter 去做 convolution,這篇論文提出了可變形卷積網路 Deformable Convolutional Network (DCN)。

7 years ago by fukuball

Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy

Created at 21:32 May 28, 2017


7 years ago by fukuball

Learning to Skim Text

Created at 14:03 May 28, 2017


7 years ago by fukuball

Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules - CiteSeerX

Created at 01:24 May 28, 2017

這是快速計算 Association Rules 的經典論文,有在做 Data Mining 的人應該都要看一下!

7 years ago by fukuball

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